I have big family in the home and in the out home .my name is ahmad. He is forty years old,he is sellers. My mother name is ira, she is theerty years five years old,she is again sellers. My parents is the best.
My parents have five child they are I am , my sister , and my brother . they are faida, sarifah, uswatun hasanah and rus pandi .
Faida she is my sisters, she is teacher in the school she is twenty years old. Syarifah she is my sisters, she is eighteen years old, she is student in man bangkalan ,uswatun hasanah she my sisters, she is six years old, she is student in sd . and ruspandi he is my brother, he is twenty one years old ,he is all ready married and now he is job in Arabic
My grand mother, she is sixty five years old she stay with me. My grand father he is seventy years old, but he is stay in babel,. But I very love my grand mother and grand father.
My causin name are sumida , yulita, sam, and muji. Sumida she is nineteen years old, she is teacher in sd .yulita she is eighteen years old, she is job in mall, muji he is nineteen years old, he is job in babel, sam he is twenty one years old and now he is again job in babel.
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